Potential introduction for my upcoming book

It’s been a long day already.  As you collapse into your favorite chair, you hear your five-year-old daughter scream.  You hear her seven-year-old brother run out of her room and down the hall.  You jump out of your chair just in time to block him as he comes flying around the corner.  He barely manages to stop without running into you while he quickly hides one hand behind his back.  In that hand is his sister’s favorite doll.  He tries to hide his smile as he looks up at you with curiosity, defiance, and limitless energy.  

Imagine looking right back at that seven-year-old boy with all the confidence in the world and a smile of your own.  You smile because you love that kid.  You smile because every parenting challenge is an opportunity.  You smile because you intend to make the most of that opportunity.  Without reacting or saying a single word, you look that seven-year-old boy right in the eyes.  You are ready and willing to be the parent he needs you to be.  

That is what this book is about.  Loving AND effective parenting.  It is about being the parent our children need us to be.  It is about finding our confidence, purpose, and joy.  It is about truly enjoying our children even on the rough days. 

Raising children can easily be one of the funniest, most fulfilling, meaningful, and wonderful things that has ever happened to us.  It can also be one of the most stressful, frustrating, exhausting, and annoying things that has ever happened to us.  It can be all of those things and more just getting little Timothy to brush his teeth well without being reminded.

No matter what your experience has been so far, be encouraged.  Loving and effective parenting can be learned.  It is not some unsearchable mystery.  If you are worried you might not have what it takes, don’t be.  I have not met a parent yet who could not do this as long as they were willing to change and do the work.  

How you apply what you learn is up to you.  It is not my place to tell you just how strict you should be, or how hard you should push your children, or what kind of manners you should require.  We all have to find the balance that is right for our families.  Having said that, finding that right balance does not excuse us from any of the following ideals:

Parents whose calm words and actions are both loving AND effective. 

Children who take responsibility for their own behavior, attitudes, and choices.

Parents and children who are satisfied and happy with themselves and each other.

Freedom is not a word usually associated with parenting, but I would like to change that.  Being loving AND effective gives us great freedom!    It gives us the freedom to truly enjoy our parenting.  It gives us the freedom to embrace each challenge with a sense of adventure and high expectations.  It gives us the freedom to believe in our children and ourselves.   

If you are looking for that kind of freedom, I wrote this book for you.  You are the “we” and the “us” in this book.  As we travel these pages together, I hope you find what you are looking for.  Parenting is a great and wonderful adventure.  There are not many journeys more worthwhile or more rewarding.    

My heart’s desire - this book will be a good and trustworthy traveling companion and friend for you.